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Exam Transport

Policies and procedures in place for travel to and from school for exams.

How do I get to and from school for Exams

During the Exam period school transport will still run at its normal time.  All pupils sitting exams that begin and end within the normal school time will be expected to either make use of the school transport provided or make their own arrangements to get to and from the exams they are sitting.  For example, if an exam begins at 11.30 am and finishes at 1.30 pm no additional transport will be provided either to or from school. 

Additional exam transport will only be provided on the dates and times shown on the application form.

Criteria for additional exam Transport

West Lothian Council will provide additional school transport for exams for pupils who have an entitlement to free school transport.  Transport will only be provided as follows

  • Where an examination falls on a day when transport to and from school would not otherwise be provided (including local holidays and in-service days) the Passenger Transport service will provide transport to school to arrive in time for the first examination of that day, and transport from school after the last examination of that day.
  • Where an exam finishes after the normal school time.  Where an exam finishes within 15  minutes of the school closing time the school transport services will be held back and should be used.

Exam transport will only be provided on the dates and times shown on the application form.  This is provided in addition to the normal school transport and pupils will be expected to use this normal transport on all other dates and times.

Who can Apply

Only pupils who are currently entitled to free school transport can apply.  No other students will be entitled to this transport and should be aware that it is parental responsibility to arrange transport to and from school.

Please note that only students who make an application for transport will be allowed to travel.

How do I Apply

All Applications should be made via the Council Website using the online form

Please fill in the pupil personal details and then select the school from the drop down menu.  This will then show the exams that transport will be provided for. Please tick the transport required and then submit the form.

When can I Apply

Applications will be accepted from 30 March 2023. The closing date for applications is 12 April 2023  Applications made after this will be considered but it may not be possible to arrange transport.

What Happens Next

When applications are received they will be assessed for entitlement.  If entitled, transport will be allocated either on a Taxi, Minibus or Coach.  The lists of transport allocated will be sent to each school and they will update pupils accordingly.

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