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Gaelic Medium Education

The parent/carer of any pupil or student can request education in Gaelic medium.

Parents/carers can make a placing request to any school which offers Gaelic medium education. This will enable your child to be taught by specialist staff alongside other young learners of Gaelic within a mainstream school environment.

Gaelic medium schools are located in Edinburgh (Nursery, Primary and Secondary), North Lanarkshire (Nursery - Cumbernauld and Airdrie; Primary and Secondary - Cumbernauld), South Lanarkshire (Nursery, Primary and Secondary - East Kilbride), and Glasgow (Nursery, Primary and Secondary).

West Lothian Council does not have any schools offering Gaelic Medium education, therefore we will provide transport to a Gaelic medium school that is located in an authority that shares a boundary with West Lothian or in Glasgow. This will be in the form of a bus and/or rail pass.  Pupils and students may have to make more than one change of transport.  If public transport to the venue of the chosen subject is not a reasonable option due to travelling times or poor services, the Council will only contribute the equivalent of a public transport fare.

Private car mileage will not be paid, taxis will not be funded and pupils/students will be expected to walk to the nearest public transport link. West Lothian Council may refuse transport assistance to a school other than the most cost effective to reach Gaelic medium school with places available.

Parents/carers of children who are under school age, and who have not yet started to attend a primary school, have a right to request an assessment of the need for Gaelic Medium Primary Education within West Lothian or a part of West Lothian.

Parents/carers who wish to request an assessment of the need for Gaelic Medium Primary Education must complete the form located on this page, and submit it electronically to (opens new window) or by post to:

Education Customer Services
West Lothian Council
West Lothian Civic Centre
Howden South Road
West Lothian
EH54 6FF

For further information on the right to request an assessment of the need for Gaelic Medium Primary Education, parents/carers should refer to the statutory guidance located on this page.

For further details, please contact:-

Education Customer Services - Seirbheisean Luchd-cleachdaidh Foghlaim
fòn 01506 281 952

Public Transport - Còmhdhail Phoblach
fòn 01506 282 322

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