Best Start Grant Information
Information regarding the Best Start Grant

Dear Parent/Carer
Best Start Grant is a new package of three payments from Social Security Scotland intended to give extra money to lower income families during the early years of a child's life.
Applications are already open for the Best Start Pregnancy and Baby payment of £600 for a first child and £300 for subsequent children.
The new Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment is £250 for children aged two to three and a half. Applications open 29 April 2019.
The Best Start School Age payment (a one off payment of £250 available to children due to start P1) - applications open on 3 June 2019.
These grants are separate from the school clothing grants available from West Lothian Council. If eligible you can receive both.
For more information or to check if you are eligible to apply, you can contact West Lothian Council's Advice Shop 01506 283000 option 4.
Or you can apply online at Best Start Grants (opens new window)