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STEAM Sub-Group

Welcome to the Williamston Parents STEAMteam. 

Child at play


The purpose of this group is to support the learning of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths) subjects among Williamston pupils (in school and at home)

Our objectives are:

- To provide a friendly, open environment for parents and teachers to discuss STEM topics, generate ideas and collaborate to create activities (e.g. talks, after school clubs, science parties, fayre activities etc.) .  No science qualifications required, just enthusiasm!

- To highlight useful funding opportunities and external activities.

- A point of contact for demonstrating the applications of STEAM in the workplace.

- To help pupils appreciate that arts and design blend well with STEAM subjects and are important for communication and the usability of technology.


If you are interested in joining the STEAMteam chat please go to the googlegroups website and search, and request to join, the WilliamstonSTEAM group.


Link to Williamston STEAM Google Group (opens new window)

On the googlegroups website, type 'williamstonsteam' in the box marked 'search for groups or messages' and press 'search'.   Then request to join the group. Once your request has been accepted the group will appear on your googlegroups webpage.  You can adjust your personal settings for email frequency etc. and you can leave the group at any time. 


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