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When might we get involved?

We usually get involved when a school has already tried a range of intervention strategies and is now looking for additional advice or support.

Schools will contact parents to obtain consent to discuss your child with the school psychologist. Our involvement could include general advice and consultation, or more individual involvement. Parents will always be consulted and kept informed of our involvement.


Consent must be obtained from a parent or carer before discussing any child under the age of 16 with an Educational Psychologist. Young people over the age of 16 can consent to become involved with the Educational Psychology Service without the consent of their parents although, in these cases, the young person should always be encouraged to discuss the situation with their parents. It is expected that all parents/carers will be given a copy of the Information for Parents/Carers (PDF, 142 KB)(opens new window) leaflet prior to any discussion taking place.

Who do we work with?

As well as working with children and young people, we work with parents/carers, teachers, pupil support workers and a range of other professionals including social workers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, school doctors and early years workers. Our remit also extends to the post-school population and we therefore work staff from post-school agencies such as Skills Development Scotland and colleges.

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