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Research And Development

West Lothian Educational Psychology Service has a commitment to supporting schools and other services within the Authority in carrying out research. All projects are supported by the link Educational Psychologist, the Depute Principal Educational Psychologist for research and our Research Assistant.

Why do we need research?

Research is a core function of the West Lothian Educational Psychology Service. The purpose of the research carried out is to answer a specific question, or set of questions, in order to contribute to evidence-based developments, knowledge and skills within education, and offers a range of benefits:

  • Helps to inform policy and practice
  • Promotes National Priorities
  • Increases our knowledge and understanding
  • Identifies and informs best practice
  • Explores new ideas
  • Encourages positive working relationships among agencies supporting children and young people through joint projects.

Recent Research Projects

In collaboration with Educational Psychology Services from our Regional Improvement Collaborative local authorities (Falkirk, Stirling and Clackmannanshire), we have produced a report on the psychological factors relating to Numeracy.

The research team support the ongoing evaluation of the Anxiety Management Sessions delivered by the service.

We have supported our Nurture working group in conducting a training needs analysis for schools around what trauma and adversity training they would find most useful. The results of this needs analysis have helped shape priorities for next session.

Further information and advice on setting up a research project can be found in the West Lothian Educational Psychology Services Research Guidelines (PDF, 544 KB)(opens new window).

How to get involved

If you work in a school, please contact the school Psychologist in the first instance to discuss your requirements. They will then meet with the research team and discuss whether there is capacity to take on the project. Our consultation form (Word doc, 32 KB)(opens new window) may assist with this process.

If you work in any other agency, please contact the Educational Psychology Service on 01506 283130 and ask to speak to a member of the research team, or send an e-mail outlining your request for involvement to


We are always looking to improve the service we provide. If you have had any involvement with the research team, we would be very grateful if you could complete our evaluation form and return it to Thank you for your assistance.

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